Alberose minibang 2022
This SFW fandom event promotes the collaboration between artists, writers and readers to create a "bang" of Albedo/Sucrose content

Feb 23 Twitter Contest for Icon and Banner Starts.
March 1 Participants sign-ups open.
March 16 Twitter Contest Closes.
March 23 Sign-up closes.
March 25 Summaries open for Artist review.
March 27 Artist choices due
March 31 Partners assigned; collaboration begins.
April 19 First check-in
April 30 Second check-in and last chance to drop. Promos open.
May 7 Posting date request open and promo submission deadline.
May 13 Posting date request close.
May 20 posting dates assigned.
May 23 – June 14: Posting Period.
Frequently asked questions
✾ What is a Minibang?
A mini-bang is a fandom event that promotes collaboration between artists, writers, and readers. During a Minibang, writers will write fanfiction (adhering to a minimum word count), and artists will create a visual art piece to accompany it. When the event deadline arrives, all fics and art will be released together creating an explosion- or ‘Mini Bang’- of new fandom content!
✾ What are the details for this Minibang?
The Alberose Minibang opens on March 23 for participants and will take place over approximately 9 weeks. Fics will be at minimum 1k words, and be accompanied by a minimum artist contribution of 1 complete piece. All work must be safe for work
✾ Can I sign up as an artist and a writer for the same event?
Yes! But please take a moment to consider whether or not you’ll have the time for this. If you’re unsure of which of the two to choose, we encourage you to sign up as a writer.
✾ How will artists and writers be matched for this challenge?
During sign-up, writers will be asked to provide a brief summary of the fic they plan to write. These summaries will be posted anonymously on the Minibang discord for artists to look through. Artists who sign-up will be given access to the anonymous bank of fic summaries, and they will select fics that they would be interested in creating content for. Once the summaries are posted, artists will have six days to look over all of the summaries.
The summary claim form will ask for the following: your email, Twitter username, discord handle, and whether or not you are willing to work with more than one writer in case of an uneven number of writers and artists, and your top 5 summaries that you would like to work with in order of preference. The mods will match and pair artists and writers on a roughly first come first serve basis - meaning the sooner you submit your choices the more likely it is that you will receive one of your top 5 picks.
✾ If you have more questions or would like more information in detail, check out or Masterdoc ✾